Tuesday, November 25, 2008


This is just a crazy story for school.

There once was a street that 1,000 frogs crossed. Many had houses there. Out of many frogs, there were lots of of baby frogs. Out of them, the smartest one was a small frog named Sam. The other ones teased him and made fun of him. One day, Sam said to himself, "I am going to tease them. They have teased me so many times that I am going to tease them." The frogs lived near a water mill with a rope and the baby frogs were standing. So Sam jumped up high, pulled the rope and swish splash! Water fell on the frogs. "Why did you do that?" cried the frogs. "Just to make friends out of you," said Sam. So the baby frogs said they were sorry and they were friends with Sam.

The End


Clint said...


That was a great story! You write very well. Maybe when I grow up, I can write as well as you.

Your friend,

Chelsea said...

I really liked that story, Em! I could see the frogs being splashed with water in my head! Good job!

Aunt Meghan said...


I loved your story about the frogs because I love frogs. I used to have some as pets.

Unknown said...

YAY Emily! Love the story, and I love you. I could hear your voice telling the story