Monday, January 4, 2010

Episode 2 of Clover and Willfred

Once upon a time there were these Cats named Clover and Willfred and they lived outside in a backyard of 20 kids , the kids were owned by Ms and Mr glob and they loved molasses cookies! so it was the day before family fun night and Ms glob made 35 molasses cookies! .Ms glob was cleaning while the kids were playing outside so she opened up the window the cookies were w molasses wrapped up on the counter and so Clover and Willfred scraped a hole in the screen and stole 30 molasses cookies the 5 left they carried in their mouth to their cat house and fell asleep comfy holiday came the dad got the movie ready mom poured the milk she unwrapped the foil and screamed who ate the cookies! they all said I didn't. she said well we will find out ,the smartest youngest boys went into the kitchen and they found cat hair so they ran outside and what did they find the biggest cats in the world ! so they told their mother and she made more molasses cookies
THE END for luke

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