Monday, January 25, 2010

Big Faith Brave Heart

Big Faith and a Brave Heart Print E-mail

(The following true testimony tells the story of Trinh, a young Vietnamese woman now living in the U.S. Trinh tells what her life was like as a young Christian in Vietnam when she was about the age of the Vietnamese girl in the photo. The testimony is adapted and paraphrased from interviews with Trinh and her mother. Her name and some identifying details have been changed to protect her identity.)

Growing Up In Vietnam
At school in Vietnam, kids questioned me about my faith. There were Buddhists, Hindus, and others. They would say, “There is no difference between Buddhism and Christianity.” I would say, “Yes, there is a difference.” I am still praying for them and believe one day they will be Christians.

I began driving a motorbike at age 13, without a license. It’s not necessary to have a license in Vietnam. It’s different in America. People drive cars and there are rules and regulations. There are no rules in Vietnam. On the motorbike, I helped my pastor and his wife in their ministry.

When I had free time, I stayed home with my family. My dad shared God’s Word with me during those times. He was training me to be a servant.

Still Dangerous for Christians
There is still danger for Christians in Vietnam. They carry their Bibles in a bag because they can’t open them and read them freely on the street. It’s getting better in Saigon; it’s worse in tribal areas and in the north.

Because of our Christian beliefs and activities, my mother was taken to the police station for questioning about 10 times. Sometimes they kept her for two days. My sister and I got to school on our own.

The police asked her, “Why do you continue to talk to people about Jesus?” She answered: “Because I want everyone in Vietnam to come to the Lord, even you. Do you want me to pray with you to come to Christ?” The police told her they could send her to prison. She said if they did, she would share the gospel with the prisoners.

One Sunday the leader of our house church was preaching when six police came. They told him to stop preaching. He said, “No, the service is not finished yet. Sit down and wait.” The police sat down!

After the service, they took the pastor to the police station, walking down the street with people watching. The 35 believers from the house church followed them down the street!

When the police took the pastor into the station for questioning, the believers all knelt in the doorway to pray! “You can’t pray here!” a policeman said. “This is not a church!”

“Our God is everywhere,” a believer explained, “not just in church.” After much talking, the police allowed the pastor to go home.

Trinh’s Vision
If I were in Vietnam now, I would go into the jungle and evangelize people. I would also take mission trips to the tribal people.

My heart is for reaching Vietnam with the gospel. It is a vision God has given me. I want to learn as many things as possible to prepare to serve God in Vietnam. I thank God for giving me big faith and a brave heart. I am prepared to go to prison.

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Monday, January 4, 2010

Episode 2 of Clover and Willfred

Once upon a time there were these Cats named Clover and Willfred and they lived outside in a backyard of 20 kids , the kids were owned by Ms and Mr glob and they loved molasses cookies! so it was the day before family fun night and Ms glob made 35 molasses cookies! .Ms glob was cleaning while the kids were playing outside so she opened up the window the cookies were w molasses wrapped up on the counter and so Clover and Willfred scraped a hole in the screen and stole 30 molasses cookies the 5 left they carried in their mouth to their cat house and fell asleep comfy holiday came the dad got the movie ready mom poured the milk she unwrapped the foil and screamed who ate the cookies! they all said I didn't. she said well we will find out ,the smartest youngest boys went into the kitchen and they found cat hair so they ran outside and what did they find the biggest cats in the world ! so they told their mother and she made more molasses cookies
THE END for luke


Today is my brothers birthday ! Zachary is one today ! Tawna is more exited than he is . Well he doesn't know so that's different. also I got a dog named Misty.